Friday, February 27, 2015


One of the things I love about travelling, is that I get to learn about new things. When we went to Austin we heard some of the other kids talking about a coding website called It is a very fun website that teaches you about coding. At first, you learn simple tasks such as making characters  move on the screen or move through a maze.

Now the program is allowing me to create games and apps. My brother,Wes, was having so much fun coding that it made me want to do it as well. Now it is one of my favorite things to do. Coding is very interesting and helps you understand the work behind programming. Code teaches you how to make games, apps, websites and many other things. I have already completed course two and almost finished course three. has many courses and games to help you learn about coding! It is very easy to learn so even my younger siblings are doing it.  

The only problem with that is someone is always on the computer and I have to wait so long for my turn. Coding has so many possibilities, I wonder where it will lead me. I made a little game, it is like Flappy Bird.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Our trip to Disney World!

Our first roller coaster ride!

My sister and I after breakfast in Cinderellas Castle!

        We went to Disney World  in October, it was so much fun! A few of my favorite rides we went on were Thunder Mountain,Test Track, and Speed Way. We went to all the parks except water parks. We had a lot of fun, the food was pretty good and we stayed at Pop Century. I had gone to Disney World before but I was 4 so I don't remember most of it.
 We would go to the parks as soon as they would open and stay there all day! One of our first roller coasters we went on was Splash Mountain and it broke down after the big drop and we had to get out of our logs we were sitting in and it didn't work for the rest of the day! One of the scariest roller coasters I went on was Expedition Everest because you go backwards very fast but even though you know its coming you still start screaming the whole time and eventually I just closed my eyes and hoped it wouldn't break down.  One other thing about the ride that was scary was that before you go down backwards you see over the mountain that you are on and people are waving to you and you are waiting for it to go backwards very fast! Even though the ride was scary I still went on it three times because I thought it was fun.  The last time I rode it I was in the fourth cart but I didn't know that if your up front you could see over the mountain and that was pretty scary!
Me during the Speed Way race!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why I like arcades.

                     Here's dad playing Starwars

Here's Vivian playing centipede 

I like arcades because they're fun and and I like the sounds they make.  Here are some of my favorite arcade games, Mr Do, Pac Man, Centipede. Starwars, pin ball, Tron, Space Invaders and those are most of my favorites arcade games  I just went to Pinballz arcades in Austin Texas and I like pin ball arcade more than Flipper Mccoys because Pinballz arcade has more older arcade games than Flipper Mccoys.

You should play some arcade games! Also in Pinballz arcade they had my favorites and also they had Super Pac Man, Time Pilot, Frogger,batman,Spider-Man pinball ,Star Trek pinball, Starwars pin ball and a race cars game, Those are most of the games that I played at Pinballz arcade and I destroyed the Death Star in Starwars.

Friday, February 13, 2015


We had a wonderful time in Austin,TX there was so much to see and do! We went to many parks and the state capital. We even went to a fishing rodeo for rainbow trout at Mueller Park. We ate at Torchy's Tacos, Dan's Hamburgers, and Upper crust bakery for breakfast.One of the parks we went to was Barton springs natural pool and it was very fun. We got to put our feet in even though we didn't bring a swim suit.

        Me at the fishing rodeo.

Us in front of the Texas state capital.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Why I like mine-craft

I'm Wes and I like mine craft! 
Here are some reasons I like mine craft.
It's fun because you can eat and ride on stuff. You can have pets and there are horses.There are lots of blocks and there are monsters. 
Here are some names of the monsters skeleton, enderman, guardian, endermite,witch, blaze,and silverfish those are most of the monsters. These are the main monsters Herobrine,enderdragin, Reddragon and the wither. These are some different worlds in mine craft, like the netter,end,bug world and those are most of my favorite worlds. And here's most of mine favorite animals wolf, cat, horses, cow, pig,rabbit
and those are my favorite things about mine craft. I'm only able to play mine craft  30 minutes a day.You should play minecraft too.